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5 Resources to Aid You in Passing the IELTS Reading Test

To prepare for the coming IELTS exam, for sure you are willing to do just everything as this could be your stepping stone for your big dream. One of the most probable reasons why you are about to take this online IELTS test is you want to relocate in a place where English is the first language. But there are times when no matter how much you practice, you still feels that there is something lacking. Like you are not really hitting what you want to achieve. This could be because you are not using the right material. Though practice makes perfect, the material of your efforts also matter. Like in IELTS reading test, you should be practicing with the kind of materials that most probably will be used in the actual day.

IELTS Reading Test

These 5 resources could surely compensate all your efforts as there is a big chance that they will be utilized in the online IELTS exam you are about to take:

The Economist - practice reading this weekly newspaper that tackles about politics and what is the latest to the business world internationally.

- The New Scientist - be familiar with this weekly magazine that talks about science as well as technology. This magazine is considered as one of the best in the whole world with its diverse topics.

- The American Scientist - this bimonthly magazine could be one of the resources for the IELTS reading test. It is also very informative about the latest updates of science and technology.

- The Australian geographic - another possible sources for the online IELTS exam that you can practice reading on. With this magazine, you can have an insight of what the country Australia can offer to their tourists as well as their residents.

- The Illustrated London News - if you are planning to have a future in the British countries, then this paper will not only help you get through your IELTS reading exam, but can also provide you with valuable information about them. This tackles about the historical events of these countries until the present.

But of course, don’t be contented with these resources since there are four categories of the IELTS test. You need also to check some other useful tools like the IELTS books, online IELTS trainings, and online IELTS learning programs. It always pays to be very well equipped with the right resources for that big day!

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