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IELTS Test Preparation Course Books

When you intend to take IELTS exam, there are several ways through which you can study. You can either follow a training course or study IELTS online in a way of self-study. If you opt to self-study through IELTS online courses and websites, IELTS test preparation course books can be of a great supplementary assistance for you. Depending on your proficiency in the language, even when you learn with a tutor, the books can be of significant supplementary help.

Following are some of the most popular and widely practiced IELTS preparation books available to help students with IELTS online studies. Most of them can be purchased at online book stores, as well as from most of the bookstores worldwide.

The IELTS Tutor (Book with CD-ROM) by Lloyd and Roslyn Jacklin has been designed in the form of a self-study material – especially for the non-English speaking community, with a lot of exam tips and strategies. The book intends to contemplate around 100 hours of tuition.
Step Up to IELTS by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell has been published by the Cambridge University Press and is a good choice for the teachers who teach for IELTS exams. The book covers the most essential exam skills for both academic and general training modules of the exam. The book is intelligently designed to start from simpler and shorter exam tasks and then to gradually increase the complexity level, so that students can gradually prepare for the complexity of the exam.
Ace the IELTS by Simone Braverman is designed to help with the general module, and aimed at preparing IELTS online students to maximize their scores at the exam. The book lets you practice and increase your speed with relation to reading, writing and listening. The book is suitable even if you are a native English speaker, because the book is designed not to teach English, but strictly to prepare you for the exam.
Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced: And How to Avoid Them is a book by Julie Moore is available at Amazon for $14.89. The book highlights the common mistakes that most students make at the exam and give you tips to make sure you don't repeat them. Each module in the book targets a distinct problem area and uses the analysis of previous exam scripts to guide students about the common mistakes. The book also contains regular tests, so that students can access what they have learnt so far.
How To Prepare for IELTS is a book published by the British Council and suitable for self-study as well as for class training. The study pack includes the book and the audio CD that consists of practical questions and exercises to be used to improve your IELTS skills for reading, writing and speaking. The book can be purchased from British Council centers as well as in most leading book stores.
Complete IELTS (Cambridge University Press publication) and IELTS Test Builder (by Sam McCarter and Judith Ash) are two more books to be used for IELTS online preparation courses.

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